Large topic – somewhat more advanced than ‘basic programming’, but worth a digression. (reference)

What if we are looking for some number, but we don’t know what number?

import re
bool('[0-9]', 'Plan 9'))
Pattern Description
^ Beginning of line
$ End of line
. Any single character except newline
[...] Any single character in brackets
[^...] Any single character not in brackets
re* 0 or more occurrences of preceding expression
re+ 1 or more occurrence of preceding expression
re? 0 or 1 occurrence of preceding expression
re1|re2 match re1 or re2
() grouping
import re
x = "(Smith, John), (Schmo, Joe)"
re_pat = "\(([A-Z][a-z]+), ([A-Z][a-z.]*)\)"
print(re.sub(re_pat,"(\\2 \\1)",x))
## (John Smith), (Joe Schmo)