
Collections of functions you might want to use.


  • use import to make functions inside modules available
  • refer to functions via module prefix
  • import VeryLongModuleName as vlmn: use abbreviation
  • can import just one or two functions: from math import sqrt, log
  • can import everything (but usually don’t): from <module> import *
  • can import your own modules (i.e., functions in a .py file)

finding out about modules

  • help("modulename")
  • official modules
  • list of useful modules
  • some modules we will definitely be using:
    • math: basic math functions
    • matplotlib: drawing pictures
    • random: picking random numbers
    • numpy: numerical computation
      (including linear algebra and some calculus)
    • pandas: data analysis
  • more tangential but maybe used:
    • nose: code testing framework
    • scipy: even more scientific computing tools
    • cmath: math functions handling complex numbers
    • re: regular expressions
    • sympy: symbolic computation
    • timeit: how long does my code take?

Functions calling functions

  • You can pass anything to a function as an argument (even a function!)
def repeat_fun(f,startval,n):
    """Given a function f and a starting value startval,
    apply the function n times (each time using the previous
    result as input)
    y = startval
    for i in range(n):

def sqr(x):

## 6561

Function composition

  • Mathematically this kind of example is called composition of a function with itself (see Wikipedia
  • in math notation: \((g\circ f)(x) = f(g(x))\)
  • (notation for multiple composition of a function with itself is harder)
  • write a function compose_funs(f,g)


Functions can even call themselves! This is like mathematical induction.

def factorial(x):
    if (x==1):

## 120


  • Where does Python look for things?
  • What happens here?
z = 1
def add_z(x):

## 2

Scoping rules

  • LEGB (Local, Enclosing, Global, Built-in)
    • Local: symbols defined in the function, and arguments
    • Enclosing: symbols defined in the function within which this function was defined
    • Global: elsewhere in the file/module
    • Built-in: Python keywords

Hexadecimal/Decimal conversion

  • The hexadecimal (or “base 16”) numeral system uses sixteen distinct digits to represent integers.
  • The digits used are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, a, b, c, d, e, f .
  • The decimal value of the digit a is 10, b is 11, etc.
  • The hexadecimal number 2c is equal to \(12 ∗ 16^0 + 2 ∗ 16^1 = 44\) (base 10).
  • Similarly, 2be13 is equal to 179731 since \[ 179731 = 3 ∗ 16^0 + 1 ∗ 16^1 + 14 ∗ 16^2 + 11 ∗ 16^3 + 2 ∗ 16^4 \quad. \]
  • The number 1020304 in hexadecimal is f9190. This can be verified by expanding f9190 as \[ 0 ∗ 16^0 + 9 ∗ 16^1 + 1 ∗ 16^2 + 9 ∗ 16^3 + 15 ∗ 16^4 , \] which is equal to \(1020304_{10}\)


  • Write Python code that takes as input from the console two strings that represent numbers in the hexadecimal system.
  • The program should should print out the representations of these numbers in base 10, and also print a string that represents the sum of these numbers in hexadecimal.

High level description of the algorithm

  1. Input the two strings from the console.
  2. Convert each string into a base 10 number.
  3. Print out these two numbers.
  4. Convert the sum of these two numbers into hexadecimal.
  5. Print out this hexadecimal number.

  • For Step 1, use the input() function.
  • Create a function get_hex_string() that gets a string from the console that represents a hexadecimal number and returns that string.
  • Should it check to see if it is a legal string, i.e., only uses 0 − 9, and a − f ?

convert hexadecimal into decimal

  • if an integer is represented in hexadecimal by the string of length \(n\) word \(= h_{n−1} h_{n−2} \dots h_1 h_0\)
  • then it is equal to the number: \[ h_{n−1} * 16^{n−1} + h_{n−2} * 16^{n−2} + \dots + h_0 * 16^0 \quad . \]
  • So to convert word into decimal, we can iterate over each digit in word to produce the required value.
  • Note that the \(j^{\textrm{th}}\) term in the above sum is equal to \(h_{n−j−1} * 16^{n−j−1}\) , with \(j = 0, \dots, n − 1\) and that the digit \(h_{n−j}\) is just word[j].
  • next step: Create a function hex_to_decimal(hex_String) with string argument hex_string that will returns the value of the base-10 integer this string represents in hexadecimal …

convert to hexadecimal

  • To find the hexadecimal digits \(h_k h_{k−1} \dots h_1 h_0\) of the non-negative base-10 integer num we use // and %.
    • h[0] = num % 16
    • h[1] = (num // 16) % 16
    • h[2] = (num // 16**2 ) % 16
    • h[i] = (num// 16**i ) % 16
  • (But we can do this more easily as a variation of the coin-counting problem
  • Q: How do we decide when to stop?
  • next step: Produce a function decimal_to_hex(num) that computes the hexadecimal representation of the int num and returns this as a string.
  • To finish, use these functions to produce the final result.