: Doug Bates, Martin Mächler, Steve Walker- Data: Josh Banta, Adrian Stier, Sea McKeon, David Julian, Jada-Simone White
- \($\): NSERC (Discovery), SHARCnet
11 May 2016
: Doug Bates, Martin Mächler, Steve Walker(G)LMMs: a statistical modeling framework incorporating:
\[ \begin{split} \underbrace{Y_i}_{\text{response}} & \sim \overbrace{\text{Distr}}^{\substack{\text{conditional} \\ \text{distribution}}}(\underbrace{g^{-1}(\eta_i)}_{\substack{\text{inverse} \\ \text{link} \\ \text{function}}},\underbrace{\phi}_{\substack{\text{scale} \\ \text{parameter}}}) \\ \underbrace{{\boldsymbol \eta}}_{\substack{\text{linear} \\ \text{predictor}}} & = \underbrace{{\boldsymbol X}{\boldsymbol \beta}}_{\substack{\text{fixed} \\ \text{effects}}} + \underbrace{{\boldsymbol Z}{\boldsymbol b}}_{\substack{\text{random} \\ \text{effects}}} \\ \underbrace{{\boldsymbol b}}_{\substack{\text{conditional} \\ \text{modes}}} & \sim \text{MVN}({\boldsymbol 0},\underbrace{\Sigma({\boldsymbol \theta})}_{\substack{\text{variance-} \\ \text{covariance} \\ \text{matrix}}}) \end{split} \]
A method for …
: fixed-effect formularandom
: random-effect formula (in lme4
, combined with fixed)
, single intercept term1|g1/g2
or (x||g)
: weights
, correlation
for heteroscedasticity and residual correlationMCMCglmm
: options for variance structurelme4
, afex
, pbkrtest
, lsmeans
, effects
, multcomp
(Bayesian regularization)gamm4
(additive models)broom
, dotwhisker
, pixiedust
, glmmTMB
: zero-inflated and other distributionsbrms
, rstanarm
: interfaces to StanINLA
: spatial and temporal correlationsSee also: ecostats chapter example; NCEAS modeling examples; BMB mixed models repo, including GLMM FAQ
, spaMM
); lme4ord packagehttp://ms.mcmaster.ca/~bolker/misc/private/14-Fox-Chap13.pdf
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