
Class meetings

General info

Assignments and assessment


There will be five homework assignments to hand in for marks (4% each). The due dates for these assignments are on the course schedule. Assignments are to be handed in before 11:59 PM on the day they are due. Send your assignment submission to the TA in an email with the following subject: your MacID, followed by an underscore, and then the homework number (hw1, hw2, hw3, hw4, hw5). For example: my own email about homework 1 would be titled bolkerb_hw1. Your submission must contain either: - two files: (1) a formatted text document with graphs and your answers to the assignment questions. The file must be a PDF file named in the same way as the e-mail (e.g. bolkerb_hw1.pdf); if you use Word or another other word processing program, be sure to “print to PDF”. (2) A plain-text file ( or bolkerb_hw1.R) containing the computer code (R, or Python) you wrote to generate the graphs. - a single “literate programming” document - Rmarkdown (.Rmd), Sweave (.Rnw), or Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) containing your text and code - There will be a 10% per day late penalty. - An example of a homework assignment in acceptable format is given under the HomeworkExample directory on the course repository.

Group projects

  • You will be invited to form groups of four to six students. Each group will selects a topic from a list of project topics that will appear on the course website, or request approval for an alternative topic. You will study this topic and write a project proposal and report about it in writing (individually) and orally (as a group, in class). Detailed information about project expectations will be provided during the lectures. Due to the fact that a large number of lectures are dedicated to the group project, attendance may be taken during only those classes. Out of respect to each member of your group, it is important that you attend the sessions and actively participate in the research and writing of the project.

  • Your proposals (initial and final) should include the following elements:

  1. A question about the natural or social world that includes no math.
  2. Background about that question.
  3. State variables.
  4. A description of the assumptions and parameters (including units).
  5. Model equations for addressing the question.
  6. A proposed analysis for how you would use this model to address your question.

See here for an example

Participation marks

Although you may have experienced otherwise in other courses, these marks will not be arbitrary/subjective. Occasionally throughout the semester, you will be asked to write either the instructor or your TA an email (a few sentences to a paragraph) on a particular topic (subject 3MB3 participation). The purpose of these emails is for us to be able to assess your depth of understanding of non-technical material. This will allow us to give you feedback and will hopefully make the preparation of your final report at the end of the term less stressful. If you do not come to lecture you will not hear about these participatory emails. If you do not send these emails you will receive a low participation mark. You can also enhance your participation mark by engaging with in-class exercises and coming to office hours.

You can gain your first participation mark by sending an e-mail to the instructor or the TA whose subject line is “math 3MB: read the outline”. For example, my subject line would be “math 3MB: bolkerb read the outline”.

Course objective and content

Objective: To learn to apply mathematical tools to solve open-ended, real-world problems, to understand the benefits and limitations of mathematical modeling, and to critically assess the predictions based on mathematical models, as well as to stimulate interest in studying more advanced topics (e.g. numerical analysis, differential equations, probability and statistics, and optimization.)