Software used for this course (quick start)




Markdown is a general-purpose lightweight markup language; it is the basis of the Rmarkdown format, and is also used in text chunks in a Jupyter notebook.


The standard system for mathematical typesetting. You must use it for your assignments, final project and presentations.

You can look at the source code of the notes on GitHub, e.g. here. detexify is useful if you’re trying to figure out how to reference a symbol in LaTeX.

There are several distributions of TeX but TeXLive has the advantage of having both Windows and OS X versions and including good TeX/LaTeX editors (TeX is a typesetting program and does not itself include an editor).

Installation & Configuration Notes for LaTeX


  • the installation can easily take 30 to 60 minutes
  • just download and run the install-tl.exe file


Spell-checkers and word counters

!pip install --user jupyter_contrib_nbextensions >/dev/null
!~/.local/bin/jupyter-contrib-nbextension install --user 2>/dev/null
!jupyter nbextension enable spellchecker/main

it will enable a (fairly crude) spell-checker extension for your notebooks

There are a number of spell-checkers that understand LaTeX, for example:

All of these run on Macs via the Terminal.

The unix wc command can be used to count words in a plain text file. To use it, you first need to remove the TeX macros from your file. You can then pipe the output into wc. For example, from the terminal window on a Mac you can type

detex filename | wc

where you need to insert the filename of the file in question.

If you have a Mac, the texcount command is much more helpful than the above. The command line syntax is

texcount filename

after which helpful information is spewed on your screen.

XPPAUT (numerical analysis of dynamical systems)

XPPAUT is a powerful program for exploration and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems. It is already installed on all of the linux workstations in the math department (which you can log into remotely, as well as from the console). More importantly, it is open-source software, which can be downloaded and installed on any computer.

Some online resources:

See Using XPPAUT on a Mac for help with installing and using XPPAUT under OS X.

Note that XPPAUT does not incorporate the latest version of AUTO, which continues to be developed on its own. However, AUTO is much harder to use directly than via XPPAUT. If you do want to use AUTO directly then you can find the latest version to download via the main AUTO web page.

XPPAUT has limited graphical capabilities, but it is always possible to save output data to a file and use R to create high-quality graphs

Installation & Configuration Notes


  • XPPAUT uses X11 graphics which are not native to Windows ** I recommend MobXterm Personal Edition (which is free):
  • Note that XPP expects you to copy the folder xppall from the file to C:.
  • Some people have had trouble when browsing to a directory in XPP, particularly going up by clicking “..”. I’ve created an alternate xpp.bat file which you can download to your desktop and use to run xpp; it will cause xpp to use the folder C:as the default starting location. You should copy any new .ode files to this folder if you find that browsing up causes xpp to hang.

Mac OS X

  • create a folder in /Applications called XPP
  • copy the contents of the XPP disk image to that folder
  • run xpp like so
    • open Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal and run “/Applications/xpp/bin/xppaut filename.ode”
    • … or …
    • click command-space and enter xppaut

Testing your installation

After installing XPPAUT, you should be able to explore the SIR model using [[Media:SIR.ode|this XPPAUT sample .ode file]]. To get started put SIR.ode in the folder where you want to work and (assuming you’re working from the command line) type

xppaut SIR.ode

then click the phaseflow button and hit RETURN. You should then see a sensible phase portrait. If you’re not working from the command line then start XPPAUT and load SIR.ode.

Tools for online collaboration on documents and code