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Final submission

Please ask for clarification of any points below that are unclear or incomplete.


Milestone 2

Due date: Friday April 9

You should demonstrate continued progress with your replication attempt, and/or progress on your novel component.

Milestone 1

See replication exercise


Due: 24 Feb, midnight, on Dropbox or by e-mail. (If you have already submitted your project proosal, you can re-submit it if you like but are not required to.)

Please submit a half- to one-page document (in PDF, HTML, plain text, or markdown format), as a group. Submit a single document by e-mail or on Avenue, the document should list the group members’ names.

Note this is a draft: I don’t necessarily expect your final project to follow your current proposal.

Tell me what area of math biology you want to tackle for your project. Let me know some or all of the following:

Final project marking rubric