This is a brain dump.
Fitting (spatially or temporally) correlated data is an important use case for mixed models, especially (for example) for longitudinal data. While there may be other solutions (e.g. additive models, cf. recent Bates papers?), autocorrelated error structures seem like a simple, basic tool that should be available to people fitting mixed models in R.
We’re looking at the standard GLMM formulation:
\[ \begin{split} Y_i & \sim \textrm{Dist}(\eta_i) \\ \eta & = {\mathbf X}{\boldsymbol \beta}+ {\mathbf Z}{\mathbf b}\\ {\mathbf b}& \sim \textrm{MVN}(0,\Sigma) \end{split} \] The tricky part is how we define \({\mathbf b}\) and \(\Sigma\). We want this to be a combination of (at least) random intercepts (among-group variation) and autocorrelated residuals within groups. Writing \({\mathbf b}\) out in a different way: \[ \begin{split} b_{ij} & = {\mathbf b}_{0,{ij}} + \epsilon_{ij} \\ \epsilon_i & \sim \Sigma_{\textrm{AR}} \end{split} \] where \(i\) is the group index, \(j\) is the index; \({\mathbf b}_0\) refers to the “other” random effects, and \(\Sigma_{\textrm{AR}}\) is the standard autoregressive covariance matrix, \(\sigma^2 \rho^{j_1-j_2}\)
from the recommended nlme
will fit a variety of correlation structures, via the correlation
is surprisingly tricky, because all of the easy ways to extend lme4
in terms of using the modular structures (see ?modular
or the lme4ord
package) are “G-side” (based on grouping factors) rather than “R-side” (based on structuring the residual error term). You can do a lot by defining an observation-level random effect (and overriding errors about having the same number of random effects as observations), but because it’s impossible to shut off the residual error term or change its value (it is simply estimated from the penalized weighted residual sum of squares that’s left over when the model has been fitted), it means that there will always (??) be a “nugget” effect left over, i.e. correlation functions will be of the form \(g \cdot \phi(t)\), where \(\phi(0)=1\) and \(0<g<1\). lme4
handles LMM and GLMMs completely differently; in principle we could fit Gaussian models either via LMM or via glmer(.,family=gaussian)
, but the latter is largely untested (at present calling glmer
with family=gaussian
and an identity link redirects to lmer
).In principle, we simply define some kind of correlation structure on the random-effects variance-covariance matrix of the latent variables; there is not a particularly strong distinction between a correlation structure on the observation-level random effects and one on some other grouping structure (e.g., if there were a random effect of year (with multiple measurements within each year) it might make sense to give the conditional modes a correlation structure).
and plot.ACF
), large variety of correlation structures (nlme
, ape
, ramps
packages).In principle we should be able to re-use correlation structures coded as corStruct
s (e.g. see example below, lme4ord
), although it is slightly more convenient for our purposes to have the Cholesky factor rather than the inverse-Cholesky factor returned by the corFactor
method. (The inverse-Cholesky factor is much sparser for many correlation structures; it may be worth figuring out if we can use that to our advantage, although the blocks of the \(\Lambda\) matrix we’re constructing usually isn’t very big anyway.) - disadvantages: lme
is slower than lme4
, doesn’t handle crossed random effects as easily or as quickly. Can’t handle repeated samples at the same location.
Basically what needs to be done is to use correlation parameters (e.g. just \(\phi\) for something like an autoregression structure) to generate the values for the Cholesky factor. See example below …
This is a branch of lme4
that is very out of date, but could conceivably be brought up to date; see here and here for some of the relevant code; ar1d
, compound-symmetric, and diagonal variance structures were implemented.
This is a (still-experimental) package built atop Template Model Builder. There is code for the AR1 case, but I’m not sure how complete/tested it is.
Steve Walker’s experimental package; on github.
Uses hierarchical GLMs; on CRAN; Rousset and Ferdy 2014; web page. (Can these do temporal models? I’m sure they could be adapted to do so, but it’s not obvious.)
Uses integrated nested Laplace approximation. At least in principle f(.,model="ar1")
Built on Stan; has autocorrelation capabilities (AR, MA, ARMA) via an autocorr
## convenience/manipulation
library(ggplot2); theme_set(theme_bw())
Simulate some data (function definition not shown):
d <- simCor1(phi=0.8,sdgrp=2,sdres=1,seed=101)
works pretty well:
(lme_simple_fit <- lme(y~1,random=~1|f,data=d,correlation=corAR1()))
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
## Data: d
## Log-restricted-likelihood: -390.2915
## Fixed: y ~ 1
## (Intercept)
## -0.7070222
## Random effects:
## Formula: ~1 | f
## (Intercept) Residual
## StdDev: 2.172383 0.9768581
## Correlation Structure: AR(1)
## Formula: ~1 | f
## Parameter estimate(s):
## Phi
## 0.8011786
## Number of Observations: 400
## Number of Groups: 20
can do this (see notes below about the need for tt-1
in the ar1()
glmmTMB_simple_fit <- glmmTMB(y~1 + (1|f) + ar1(tt-1|f), data=d,family=gaussian)
For lme4
, we start along the lines described in ?modular
## process formula (override some sanity checks)
lmod1 <- lFormula(y ~ (1|f) + (tt-1|f),
data = d,
## construct deviance function
devfun <-,lmod1)
Now we need a function to convert \(\{\phi,\sigma\}\) into the appropriate Cholesky factor (\(\theta\)) values (note in this case \(\sigma\) is the ratio of the variance of this term to the residual error … shown in gory detail due to possible interest, should (??) generalize to any corStruct
object, although things could get a little trickier when blocks differ significantly in their structure …
getTheta <- function(phi,sigma,nmax) {
## make corStruct: fake data sequence within a single block
cc <- nlme::Initialize(nlme::corAR1(phi),data=data.frame(t=seq(nmax)))
## get inverse Cholesky factor
mm <- matrix(nlme::corFactor(cc),nrow=nmax) ##
## check backsolve() idiom: all.equal(solve(mm),backsolve(mm,diag(nmax),upper.tri=FALSE))
mm2 <- backsolve(mm,diag(nmax),upper.tri=FALSE) ## invert ...
return(sigma*mm2[lower.tri(mm2,diag=TRUE)]) ## take lower tri & scale by SD
Now we set up a wrapper function to take a theta
vector consisting of \(\{\sigma^2_g,\rho,\sigma^2_r\}\), convert it to a full theta
vector, and pass it to our original deviance function:
devfun2 <- function(theta,nmax) {
new_theta <- getTheta(phi=theta[2],sigma=theta[3],nmax)
devfun2(c(1,0.5,1),nmax=20) ## test
Lower/upper limits ((-1,1) for theta[2]
, the correlation parameter (actually (-0.999,0.999); limits need to be strictly (-1,1) or corAR1
complains …), (0,Inf)
for the standard deviation parameters. We use nloptwrap
for convenience (it’s good, and it produces output that are particularly convenient to pass to mkMerMod
). (Not quite sure why we need nmax
explicitly … ?)
opt1 <- lme4::nloptwrap(c(1,0,1),devfun2,
We can make the result into a regular merMod
object, but the variance-covariance matrix will be printed out in full.
lme4_simple_fit <- mkMerMod(rho=environment(devfun),
The log-likelihoods for glmmTMB_simple_fit
and lme4_simple_fit
are similar (lme4_simple_fit
is confused about the number of parameters …)
## [1] -390.4787 -390.2681
Results match:
The results are all pretty close in terms of parameter values:
## Source: local data frame [3 x 3]
## platform phi nugget
## (fctr) (dbl) (dbl)
## 1 glmmTMB 0.8089502 0.006484699
## 2 lme4 0.8120291 0.003819590
## 3 lme 0.8011786 0.000000000
results look essentially identical to lme
d$f2 <- d$f ## hack for INLA; needs unique names
inla_simple_fit <- inla(y~1+f(f,model="iid")+f(tt,model="ar1",replicate=f),data=d,
I think this is right (based on docs here), but I can’t figure out how to extract the parameters …
m3 <- brm(y~1+(1|f),data=d,autocor=cor_ar(formula = ~1, p = 1, cov = FALSE))
This gives an estimate for \(\phi\) of 0.826 (with a standard error of 0.038 …
How does lme4ord
do in this case?
corObj <- nlme:::Initialize(nlme:::corAR1(0, form = ~ 1|f), d)
form1 <- y ~ 1 + (1|f) + nlmeCorStruct(1|f, corObj)
form2 <- y ~ 1 + (1|f) + nlmeCorStruct(1|f, corObj=corObj)
## next one is copied/adapted from lme4ord vignette ...
form3 <- y ~ 1 + (1|f) + nlmeCorStruct(1, corObj = corObj, sig = 1)
form4 <- y ~ 1 + (1|f) + nlmeCorStruct(1, corObj=corObj)
lme4ord_simple_fit <- strucGlmer(form4, family=gaussian, data=d)
## form1: no applicable method for 'corFactor' applied to an object of class "NULL"
## form2: Cholmod error 'A and B inner dimensions must match' ...
## form4: hangs ...
Can’t quite figure out what I’m doing here – taking stabs in the dark. The one that works might not be correct - it gives \(\phi=0.588\) - maybe it’s ignoring the grouping structure?
Add a Poisson-distributed sampling layer atop the existing structure:
dp <- simCor1(phi=0.8,sdgrp=2,sdres=1,seed=101,
linkinv=exp,simfun=function(x) rpois(length(x),lambda=x))
## Linear mixed-effects model fit by maximum likelihood
## Data: dp
## Log-likelihood: NA
## Fixed: y ~ 1
## (Intercept)
## 0.2219637
## Random effects:
## Formula: ~1 | f
## (Intercept) Residual
## StdDev: 1.675137 2.236704
## Correlation Structure: AR(1)
## Formula: ~1 | f
## Parameter estimate(s):
## Phi
## 0.4566912
## Variance function:
## Structure: fixed weights
## Formula: ~invwt
## Number of Observations: 400
## Number of Groups: 20
In this case glmmPQL
doesn’t do anything insane, but: \(\phi\) (autocorr parameter) doesn’t match what we started with, but maybe this is just an issue of definitions (marginal vs conditional autocorrelation) ?
works reasonably well:
corObj <- nlme:::Initialize(nlme:::corAR1(0, form = ~ 1|f), d)
lme4ord_pois_fit <- strucGlmer(y ~ 1 + (1|f)+nlmeCorStruct(1, corObj = corObj, sig = 1),
I’m not actually sure whether I’m specifying the model correctly here, but the \(\phi\) estimate (0.768) is reasonable, and the output is reasonably pretty (although getting the \(\phi\) parameter out programmatically is a hassle, and the summary
method needs work to include all the information given in the print
method …):
## Structured GLMM fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approx) ['strucGlmer']
## Family: poisson ( log )
## Formula: y ~ 1 + (1 | f) + nlmeCorStruct(1, corObj = corObj, sig = 1)
## Data: dp
## AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid
## 1227.3122 1243.2780 -609.6561 206.7885 396
## Random effects term (class: unstruc):
## covariance parameter: 2.294027
## variance-correlation:
## Groups Name Std.Dev.
## f (Intercept) 2.294
## Random effects term (class: nlmeCorStruct):
## Correlation structure of class corAR1 representing
## Phi
## 0.768392
## Standard deviation multiplier: 0.9994793
## Fixed Effects:
## (Intercept)
## -0.8262
A hacked-up version of glmer
(code hidden - I needed a few dozen lines of code, which seems harder than it should be) gets the same answer.
glmer_pois_fit <- ar1_glmer(y ~ (1|f) + (tt-1|f),data=dp,family=poisson)
Seems hard to get confidence intervals on the profile (lme
provides back-transformed Wald intervals from the unconstrained scale) for either of these examples. This is a definite hole, but in the meantime I’ll just get point estimates for an ensemble of simulations (i.e., are we getting estimates that are reasonably unbiased and reasonably precise relative to the true values?)
glmmTMB_pois_fit <- glmmTMB(y~1 + (1|f) + ar1(tt-1|f), data=dp,
\(\phi\) is approximately 0.768 (matches the others).
Trying brms::brm()
gives “Error: ARMA effects for family poisson are not yet implemented”
(group/IID) term as well as the autoregressive term (with AR only, this should match the fit of gls(y~1,correlation=corAR1(~1|f))
but does not match the way we simulated the data …ar1(tt|f)
, with glmmTMB
we get a warning message (“AR1 not meaningful with intercept”). This is important; it made me aware of a similar mistake I was making previously with my lmer
hack below. Since lme4
uses unstructured (i.e. general positive-definite) variance-covariance matrices by default, it normally doesn’t matter how you parameterize the contrasts for a categorical variable – the model fit/predications are invariant to linear transformations. This is no longer true when we use structured variance-covariance matrices (!), so we need (tt-1|f)
rather than (tt|f)
hack byLind
to account for the small number of unique values in the variance-covariance matrix; (2) writing code to get the unique values of the Cholesky factor of the AR1 matrix directly, rather than having to invert the inverse-Cholesky factor.Ovary
data-set example (below)Everything below here is more or less junk at the moment, but I’m keeping it in for now
Using one of the examples from Pinheiro and Bates (?Ovary