Data sets can be found here (you may need to switch to “raw mode” to download CSV files)

name response_var clustered? grouping vars source object name (for Rdata) primary_reference secondary_refs response_type model_type tricky_bits
Arabidopsis total.fruits y reg+popu+gen+rack Banta.RData Banta et al. (2010) example count GLMM singularity/regularization
Contraception use y district mlmRev package Steele et al. (1996) example binary GLMM quadratic effect of age
fire_diversity mamph_log;mbirds_log;mamm_log y flor_realms+biome+biome_FR ecoreg.rds Moritz et al. (2023) continuous LMM singularity/regularization
Gopher tortoises shells y Site gopherdat2.RData Gdat Ozgul et al. (2009) count GLMM singularity/simplification
Owls SiblingNegotiation y Nest glmmTMB package Roulin & Bersier (2007) count ZIGLMM
seastar predation y block culcita.RData culcita_dat McKeon et al. (2012) binary GLMM separation
singing mouse Response y ID singingmouse.csv Pasch et al. (2013) count GLMM singularity/collapse count to binary
starling stmass y subjectnum starling.Rdata dataf Toby Marthews, r-help continuous LMM
ticks TICKS y BROOD+LOCATION Elston2001_tickdata.txt Elston et al. (2001) count GLMM
tundra NEE y Site tundra.csv Belshe et al. (2013) continuous LMM(AR1)
AIDS cases n aids.csv Dobson & Barnett (2008) count GLM
lizards grahami/opalinus n brglm package Schoener (1970) proportion GLM
sea turtle nesting du/notdu n dufemalepers.csv Tiwari et al. (2006) proportion GLM
cbpp incidence y herd lme4 package Lesnoff et al. (2004) proportion GLMM


Banta, J. A., Stevens, M. H. H., & Pigliucci, M. (2010). A comprehensive test of the ’limiting resources’ framework applied to plant tolerance to apical meristem damage. Oikos, 119(2), 359–369.
Belshe, E. F., Schuur, E. A. G., & Bolker, B. M. (2013). Tundra ecosystems observed to be CO\(_2\) sources due to differential amplification of the carbon cycle. Ecology Letters, 16, 1307–1315.
Dobson, A. J., & Barnett, A. (2008). An introduction to generalized linear models, third edition (3rd ed.). Chapman; Hall/CRC.
Elston, D. A., Moss, R., Boulinier, T., Arrowsmith, C., & Lambin, X. (2001). Analysis of aggregation, a worked example: Numbers of ticks on red grouse chicks. Parasitology, 122(5), 563–569.
Lesnoff, M., Laval, G., Bonnet, P., Abdicho, S., Workalemahu, A., Kifle, D., … Thiaucourt, F. (2004). Within-herd spread of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia in Ethiopian highlands. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 64(1), 27–40.
McKeon, C. S., Stier, A., McIlroy, S., & Bolker, B. (2012). Multiple defender effects: Synergistic coral defense by mutualist crustaceans. Oecologia, 169(4), 1095–1103.
Moritz, M. A., Batllori, E., & Bolker, B. M. (2023). The role of fire in terrestrial vertebrate richness patterns. Ecology Letters, 26(4), 563–574.
Ozgul, A., Oli, M. K., Bolker, B. M., & Perez-Heydrich, C. (2009). Upper respiratory tract disease, force of infection, and effects on survival of gopher tortoises. Ecological Applications, 19(3), 786–798. Retrieved from
Pasch, B., Bolker, B. M., & Phelps, S. M. (2013). Interspecific dominance via vocal interactions mediates altitudinal zonation in neotropical singing mice. The American Naturalist, 182(5), E161–E173.
Roulin, A., & Bersier, L.-F. (2007). Nestling barn owls beg more intensely in the presence of their mother than in the presence of their father. Animal Behaviour, 74(4), 1099–1106.
Schoener, T. W. (1970). Nonsynchronous Spatial Overlap of Lizards in Patchy Habitats. Ecology, 51(3), 408–418.
Steele, F., Diamond, I., & Amin, S. (1996). Immunization uptake in rural Bangladesh: A multilevel analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society A, 159, 289–299.
Tiwari, M., Bjorndal, K. A., Bolten, A. B., & Bolker, B. M. (2006). Evaluation of density-dependent processes and green turtle chelonia mydas hatchling production at Tortuguero, Costa Rica. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 326, 283–293.