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What do we mean by statistical inference?
answering scientific questions
- clear, well-posed questions (theory) >
- good experimental design >
… all are necessary, all connected!
- statistics is for:
- quantifying best guesses (point estimates)
- quantifying uncertainty (confidence intervals)
- statements about clarity (statistical significance testing)
reproducibility crisis
many scientific results are unreproducible
- lack of openness (data/methods)
- questionable research practices (QRPs)
- p-hacking; snooping; researcher degrees of freedom (Simmons, Nelson, and Simonsohn 2011); “Texas sharpshooter fallacy”
- “garden of forking paths” (Gelman and Loken 2014)
analytic decisions must be made independently of the data
pre-registration (formal or informal);
at least recognize the line between confirmatory and exploratory analyses
power analysis
- experimental design: before you observe/experiment
- think about biological effect sizes: what is the smallest effect that would be biologically interesting?
- need to specify effects and variances (standard deviations)
- simple designs (t-test, ANOVA, etc.)
- most power analyses are crude/order-of-magnitude
- simulation-based power analysis (Bolker (2008) ch. 5)
goals of analysis (Harrell 2001)
- exploration
- prediction
- inference
- looking for patterns only
- no p-values at all
- confidence intervals (perhaps),
but taken with an inferential grain of salt
- want quantitative answers about specific cases
- consider algorithmic approaches (esp. for big data)
- penalized approaches:
automatically reduce model complexity
- confidence intervals are hard
most typical scientific goal
qualitative statements about clarity and importance of effects:
- effects that are distinguishable from null hypothesis of noise
- test among discrete hypotheses

quantitative statements:
- relative strength/magnitude of effects
- importance (e.g. fraction variance explained)
what do p-values really mean?
- something about “strength of evidence”
- not “evidence for no effect” or “no difference”
- null hypotheses in ecology are never (?) true
- “the difference between significant and non-significant is not significant” (Gelman and Stern 2006)
- try talking about statistical clarity instead
p-value example
## p value
## A 0.0011 **
## B 0.1913
## C 0.0011 **
## D 0.1913
## ---
## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggplot2':
## method from
## [.quosures rlang
## c.quosures rlang
## print.quosures rlang
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'dplyr':
## method from
## tibble

Real example (Dushoff et al. 2006)
From a study of influenza mortality, estimating fraction of mortality attributable to influenza A, influenza B, or weather alone …
Why does weather not seem to have an effect???
realism in data analysis
how much data do you need for a given model?
- link to video
- rule of thumb: 10-20 per data point
- rules for continuous, count, binomial data
- counting data points/“degrees of freedom” for clustered data?
dimension reduction
- must be a priori
- discard interactions
- simplify questions
- collapse variables, e.g. by PCA
overview of inference
modes of inference (Bolker (2008) chapter 6)
- Wald vs. likelihood ratio vs. Bayesian
- information-theoretic (AIC etc.) methods
- single vs. multiple parameters:
e.g. \(Z\) vs \(\chi^2\)
- finite-size vs asymptotic:
e.g. \(Z\) vs. \(t\)

Bayesian stats 101
- frequentist inference: based on likelihood function + sampling properties
- \({\cal L} = \textrm{Prob}(\theta|x)\)
- Bayesian inference: based on likelihood + prior
- \(\textrm{Posterior}(\theta) \propto {\cal L}(\theta|x) \textrm{Prior}(\theta)\)
- priors are important
- Bayesian credible intervals based on highest posterior density or quantiles
results more explicitly based on model + prior choices
Bayesian stats 102
- Markov chain Monte Carlo: computational methods for sampling from the posterior
- once we have a a sample we can compute mean, confidence intervals …
- e.g.
, brms
, rethinking
Bolker, Benjamin M. 2008. Ecological Models and Data in R. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Dushoff, Jonathan, Joshua B. Plotkin, Cecile Viboud, David J. D. Earn, and Lone Simonsen. 2006. “Mortality Due to Influenza in the United States—An Annualized Regression Approach Using Multiple-Cause Mortality Data.” American Journal of Epidemiology 163 (2): 181–87. doi:10.1093/aje/kwj024.
Gelman, Andrew, and Hal Stern. 2006. “The Difference Between ‘Significant’ and ‘Not Significant’ Is Not Itself Statistically Significant.” The American Statistician 60 (4): 328–31. doi:10.1198/000313006X152649.
Harrell, Frank. 2001. Regression Modeling Strategies. Springer.
Simmons, Joseph P., Leif D. Nelson, and Uri Simonsohn. 2011. “False-Positive Psychology Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant.” Psychological Science 22 (11): 1359–66. doi:10.1177/0956797611417632.