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challenges & solutions
optimization simply crashes due to:
- predictions outside of feasible range (counts <0, prob outside of (0,1))
- underflow/overflow
- convergence to extreme/flat ranges
is particularly non-robust)
improve objective function
- check for bugs!
- use more robust expressions
- compute on log scale if possible
(or plogis(x)
) rather than exp(x)/(1+exp(x))
- use
for tail probabilities
- “clamping”: impose minima/maxima to avoid over/underflow (e.g. see"cloglog")$linkinv
- evaluate expressions in limits
better starting conditions
- better understanding of problem
- neutral values (e.g. \(\beta=0\) for linear-like models)
- build up fit from less complex/reduced models
- heuristic self-starting algorithms to find starting values
(link, code)
KKT (Kuhn-Karush-Tucker) conditions
- first and second order conditions for “nonlinear programming”, i.e. nonlin optimization with constraints (Wikipedia)
- unconstrained: simplifies to gradient=0, Hessian=positive definite (for minimization)
lme4 warnings
- “toast-scraping” (see here)
- generally identifies less-stable problems (grad>0.1 is often a problem)
- not many solutions other than scaling, centering, trying other optimizers
lots of parameters (high dimensionality)
- not really an intrinsic problem
- hard to visualize
- slow
- slices
plus ggplot (geom_tile()
+ facet_grid()
works up to 4D: maybe ggforce::facet_grid_paginate()
if you’re crazy)
- Ross (2013) link:
- rewrite in C++
- parallelize (hard in this case)
discontinuities and thresholds
- Nelder-Mead
- profiling across discrete values
general approach for any “difficult” parameter, e.g. \(t\) degrees of freedom
- can be very hard to tell (Simon Wood examples)
- check convergence
- KKT criteria, locally
- multi-start algorithms
- random
- Latin hypercube
- Sobol sequences
- cumulative distribution of neg log likelihoods (Raue et al. 2013)
- stochastic global optimization
constraints (box)
- independent inequality constraints
- built into some optimizers (
, nloptr
- transformations
- convenient; can also improve Wald approximation, improve scaling
- bad if parameter is actually on the boundary
- e.g. negative binomial parameter: var=\(\mu(1+\mu/k)\). Often use \(\log(k)\) to keep it positive, but what if equi/underdispersed? Use \(1/k\) with lower bound at 0?
- mathematically pretty: \(ax/(1+bx)\)
- simpler units: \(ax/(1+x/c)\)
- traditional: \(ax/(1+ahx)\)
- separate features: \(ax/(1+(a/d)x)\), \(d>0\)
Raue, Andreas, Marcel Schilling, Julie Bachmann, Andrew Matteson, Max Schelke, Daniel Kaschek, Sabine Hug, et al. 2013. “Lessons Learned from Quantitative Dynamical Modeling in Systems Biology.” PLOS ONE 8 (9): e74335. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0074335.