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- Wikipedia
“any two algorithms are equivalent when their performance is averaged across all possible problems.”
- a “good” optimization method is one that works on the kinds of problems you have
the devil is in the details; different implementations of the same algorithm may differ …
- performance
- robustness
- interface (arguments, return values)
- controls
- convergence testing
Local optimization
derivative-based optimization
- uses first (gradient/direction) and second (Hessian/curvature) information
- assumes smooth objective function
- R’s optimization functions don’t need user-supplied gradient functions - but will use finite differences instead
derivative-based methods
- see Press et al. (1994) (or later editions)
- gradient descent: widely used in machine learning
- easy, scalable
- but can almost certainly do better!
- Newton’s method: simple but not actually practical (unstable, expensive)
- Levenberg-Marquardt: specifically for least squares problems
- conjugate gradients (CG), quasi-Newton (
derivative-free methods
- for non-smooth surfaces, or when derivatives are expensive
- Nelder-Mead
Stochastic/global optimization
simulated annealing
- local search with decreasing noise
- local “jumps” according to a candidate distribution
- accept with probability \(\exp(-\Delta G/T)\)
- high temperature: random search
- low temperature: local ratchet
- tuning: candidate distribution, cooling schedule
- very general (don’t need continuous parameters)
- compare Metropolis-Hastings in Markov chain Monte Carlo
genetic algorithms
- population-based
- biological analogies
- reproduction, selection, mutation, recombination (“crossover”)
- flexible
- parameters often coded as bit strings
differential evolution
- population-based
- derivative-free
- continuous parameters
Press, William H., Saul A. Teukolsky, William T. Vetterling, and Brian P. Flannery. 1994. Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. Cambridge University Press.