understanding contrasts

  1. Suppose you have the following data set:
f1 f2 y
a A 2
a B 3
b A 4
b B 6

For each of the following sets of parameters, show (i) the name that R would give for the parameter, (ii) the verbal description of the meaning of the parameters, and (iii) the manual computation of the value. For example, for an additive model with treatment contrasts, the three parameters would be

“(Intercept)”: value of the baseline level of both parameters (f1=a, f2=A); …
“f1b”: difference between baseline level of f1 (a) and b, averaged across both levels of f2: ((4-2) + (6-3))/2 = 2.5
“f2B”: difference between baseline level of f2 (A) and B, averaged across both levels of f1: ((3-2) + (6-4))/2 = 1.5

(I left out the calculation for the intercept, which is a little tricky: one way to calculate it is as the overall mean ((2+3+4+6)/4=3.75), minus half of each of the other effects (3.75-2.5/2-1.5/2 =1.75). The questions I ask below are easier.)

  1. All four parameters for an interactive model (f1*f2), using treatment contrasts for both parameters

  2. All four parameters for an interactive model (f1*f2), using sum-to-zero contrasts for both parameters

  1. suppose you have these “data”:
f <- c("early AM", "late AM", "early PM", "late PM")
f <- factor(f,levels=f) ## organize levels in observed order
dd <- data.frame(f,y=1:4)

read the notes on parameterization, especially the section on “Custom contrasts”

Set up a contrast matrix cc such that (1) \(\beta_0\) is the overall average value; (2) \(\beta_1\) is the difference between the average of the AM and the average of the PM values (i.e. (early_AM+late_AM)/2 - (early_PM+late_PM)/2); (3) \(\beta_2\) is the difference between early and late AM; (4) \(\beta_3\) is the difference between early and late PM. Assign the contrasts to dd$f and run coef(lm(y~f)) to confirm that you did it right. (Follow the “contrasts” notes in setting up a matrix by row, with the values in each row corresponding to a contrast; invert the matrix using solve(), confirming that the first column is an intercept column; assign the contrast not including the intercept column (which will automatically be add by R) to dd$f …)

exponential family

  1. use set.seed(101) to get reproducible results.
  1. Sample 1000 Gamma deviates with mean 2 and standard deviation 0.5 (hint: the parameters of rgamma are shape and scale; the coefficient of variation of a Gamma distribution is 1/sqrt(shape) and its mean is shape*scale. Solve for the desired shape and scale parameters), storing them in a variable g. Compute the mean and standard deviation of g and check that they’re approximately equal to the desired values.

  2. Sample 1000 Poisson deviates with means equal to g, storing them in a variable p; use plot(prop.table(table(p))) to plot their frequencies

  3. The dispersion parameter of the negative binomial is called \(\theta\) or \(k\) in the literature, and is referred to as size in R’s *nbinom() functions. A Gamma-Poisson mixture generated from a Gamma with shape parameter \(s\) and mean \(m\) gives rise to a negative binomial with mean \(m\) and dispersion parameter \(s\). Defining xvec <- 0:8, use lines(xvec,dnbinom(xvec, mu=..., size=...)) to overlay the theoretical negative binomial distribution on your computed frequency distribution.

  4. the log-Normal distribution is very similar in shape to the Gamma distribution. Given a Normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\), the corresponding log-Normal distribution has mean \(\exp(\mu+\sigma^2/2)\) and variance \((\exp(\sigma^2)-1) \exp(2\mu+\sigma^2)\); therefore in order to get a log-Normal deviate with specified mean m and variance v, we need parameters \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) (meanlog and sdlog are the parameter names for R’s *lnorm() functions) defined by:

\[ \begin{split} \phi & = 1 + v/m^2 \\ \mu & = \ln\left(m/\sqrt{\phi}\right) \\ \sigma & = \sqrt{\ln(\phi)} \end{split} \]

(from Wikipedia!)

Write an R function (preferably; a piece of R code if you absolutely don’t know how to write a function) to draw n deviates from a log-Normal distribution with mean m and variance v.

  1. Use this code/function to sample 1000 log-Normal deviates with mean 2 and standard deviation 0.5 (variance 0.25) [remember that \(\ln\) is log() in R]; store them as s2. Confirm that the mean and standard deviation of s2 are close to what’s expected.

  2. Using s2, draw 1000 logNormal-Poisson deviates. Plot the frequency table (using plot(prop.table(table(...))); overlay the same negative binomial distribution as above to compare the shape. What differences in shape do you notice?